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729G87 - Interaction Programming

General info

Each group works in their own repository. To get access to your repository, create a group in webreg.

Because webreg is unreliable at the moment, please also use this link and choose an available groupname from the list.

Please enter your liu-ids in the member1 and member2 column.

The groups in gitlab are not created immediately, this can take several hours, be patient.

Once your group name shows up on the gitlab page, you can clone your repo (group names are A1, B1, C1).

The repositories are only necessary to submit your assignments, but you can start with the assignments right away.

All materials necessary are on the assignment1 page.

Once you have access to your repo, you can copy your existing code in the public/assignment1 folder, then add, commit and push it to gitlab.

Important! Assignments are automatically published when pushed to the correct repository.

The publication uses gitlab’s CI/CD pipeline. For this, a predefined repository should be cloned on gitlab. Clone the repository that matches your group name (e.g., A1).

During the first weeks of the course you will be given four assignments. The examination of each assignment is done during the review/presentation sessions described below.

The purpose of the assignments

The assignments in this course have two main purposes. Firstly, they are intended to prepare you for the mini project later in the course and provide you with skills which will make complete the project easier. Each assignment builds on skills learned in the previous assignment.

General assignment instructions and information

  • IMPORTANT: Register your group on the course webreg

Sign-up page. Each group should have 2 students. You are not allowed to work by yourself.

  • You can recieve 1-2 points for each assignment.
  • Assignments should be submitted by the assignment deadline
  • The code (CSS, HTML, JavaScript) of your published web pages should
    1. use Eric Meyers CSS reset:
    2. be correctly indented
    3. use meaningful variable and function names that follow a consistent naming scheme
  • JavaScript should not be called from HTML attributes (onload, onclick etc)
  • Unless stated in the assignment, no additional frameworks are to be used (just vanilla JavaScript).
  • Consult the examination page for details how your course grade is impacted by how many points you score on the assignments.
  • Consult the timetable for information regarding deadlines.

Submitting your assignments

To submit an assignment, publish your assignment on gitlab (see Publishing assignments).

Important! Assignments are automatically published when pushed to the correct repository.

If you submit your assignment, your assignment aiming for 2 points (with reasonable attempts at the optional tasks) and you get feedback regarding details that do not work, you will be able to submit a revised version that adresses the issues raised in the feedback from the teacher.

To submit your assignment

Please see Publishing assigments.

Assignment presentations

To recieve points for your assignment, you must participate in the assignment presentation session for that assignment. Each TA will moderate the presentation session for his/her group, during which each pair of students will present their assignment. The assignment is presented to your student peers in the computer lab room. After all assignments have been presented, the group will discuss the contributions and look at strong points and weak point of different solutions, as well as possible improvements.

To be allowed to participate in the assignment review, the assignment must be submitted to your TA before the assignment deadline. The submitted assignment should not contain any serious bugs or flaws in order to be accepted.

In the event that one team member is unable to attend, it is permissible for only one team member to present the work, provided that the other team member can offer a valid and reasonable excuse for their absence.


The presentations will be split into timeslots (of 10min) where you present your work.

  • First, assign yourself a timeslot in the excel sheet (mind to use the correct sheet for the given date on the bottom).
    • you can do this prior to the presentation date.
  • Once your timeslot starts, approach your teacher.
    • Dependent on your group, you have a different teacher.
    • Members of an A-Group are assigned to Philipp.
    • Members of a B-Group are assigned to Emma.
    • Members of a C-Group are assigned to Charlie.
  • Do not miss your timeslot.
  • Assign yourself to the next timeslot available.
  • To make presentations easier, each group should go to the same room.
    • If rooms have numbers: groups assign ascending (A -> SU00, B->SU01, C->SU02).
    • If rooms have no numbers, assign alphabetical (A,B -> Boren, Egypten, C->Olympen, Roxen)

Missed assignment review sessions

If you missed the review session for an assignment, do the following:

  • Talk to your group-teacher that you will miss or have missed the presentation.

  • Record a screencast & submit it. Record a screencast where you demonstrate your work. You must talk and describe your work covering all the learning outcomes. Upload your screencast to the repository. Add a link to your screencast in the html.