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729G87 - Interaction Programming


The course is divided into to two parts:

  • assignments (LAB1, 3hp)
  • project (PRO1, 3hp)

You will be working in pairs during both the assignments and the project. Unless there are special circumstances, you should work together with the same partner for both parts. For Assignment 1-4 it is important that both members of the pair work on all parts of the assignments as both students should be able to present the work that the pair submits.

Information on deadlines can be found on the timetable page.

Assignments (LAB1)

During the first five weeks of the course, you will be given one assignment each week. At the end of the week you publish your assignments and submit the URLs to the assignment exercises via gitlab

Scoring of assignments is done during the review/presentation sessions. Please refer to the the assignments page for further details.

  • You can score 1-2 points on the assignments.

Your final grade for the LAB1 course module will be given according to the following distribution:

  • A: minimum of 9 points
  • B: minimum of 8 points
  • C: minimum of 7 points
  • D: minimum of 6 points
  • E: minimum of 5 points

Project (PRO1)

The project is assessed based on the following deliverables:

  • Deliverable 1: Project specification
  • Deliverable 2: Project implementation

Deliverables 1 + 2 will be scored between 1-3 points (1 point = Pass).

  • A: minimum 6 points
  • B: minimum 5 points
  • C: minimum 4 points
  • D: minimum 3 points
  • E: minimum 2 points

To pass PRO1, all deliverables must be passed.

Course grade

The course grade is calculated as the average of the grades of LAB1 and PRO1 rounded to the closest odd number (A-E = 5-1). E.g.

  • A & D → (5+2)/2 = 3,5 → 3 → C
  • B & E → (4+1)/2 = 2,5 → 3 → C

Final grade

The assignments and the project are graded in WebReg first. The feedback for the project and the lab are in a single tab.

There are 7 assignments, the first 5 are the assignments 1-5 and either get:
revise and resubmit | pass | pass with distinction

the last two assignments are for the project and either get:
revise and resubmit | pass with 1 pt | pass with 2 pt | pass with 3 pt

To pass this class, you need to have all of the following requirements fulfilled:

  • At least 5 points in Assignment 1 - 5
    • You can fail on some assignments and still pass the course if you get a minimum of 5 points in total.
  • Pass the project specification.
  • Pass the project implementation.

As rule of thumb, if everything is green in webreg, you passed.

Please check webreg if everything is correct (points for each assignment & summary of points on the right). If you received an email with an update to your assignment, still check webreg, sometimes values are updated without a second notification!

Please note, the webreg grades might change until final grading if they contain any errors. One indicator for an error is that you received more points for an assignment than you aimed for.

I will double check the Webreg grades for errors before finally setting the grade in Ladok. If the final grade differs from the current grade in Webreg, you will receive a notification and an appropriate response time before the final grading. Thus, if you spot any errors that are in favour of you, it could be wise to notify us anyway and spare yourself some trouble later.

If you spot any mistakes, notify your group-teacher, it will either be fixed or clarified that it is not a mistake but you will need to resubmit something.

If you have to revise and resubmit or your aimed points don’t match your received points, check for any comments in webreg. If it is still unclear why somethings is not as expected, ask your group-teacher. Please make sure that your assignments are available in your group-repo page (gitlab->deploy->pages, then click the link and follow the links to your submission).

Resubmission request

If you need to resubmit something, you need to make a resubmission request. Please make a request for a resubmission until the end of this month! For this, email (cc) and your group-teacher that you would want to do a resubmission. You then have more time to resubmit your assignment(s) according to the deadlines! If you don’t object your grading until the end of this month, you cannot resubmit afterwards (grade will be set and cannot be changed)!


You can commit and push changes anytime after the resubmission request to your gitlab repo. If you have any questions prior to the resubmission, you can ask or your group-teacher any time. After you pushed any changed, you can ask your group-teacher if the current state of your repository would fit the requirements for a resubmission.

To make an official resubmission, just notify (cc) and your group-teacher about the new submission (use the subject: resubmission) after you pushed your changed to gitlab.

Attention: You only have one resubmission approach per assignment! This is done by sending an email to your group-teacher and (cc), that you resubmitted the assignment.

The grades will be updated in Ladok until February 4 (unless you asked for a resubmission attempt) .

If you need the grades to be updated earlier, please notify!

Don’t forget to add in cc when asking for a resubmission!


I received less points than I aimed for, what should I do?

Check webreg for any additional infos why. Ask your group-teacher if you’re still unsure what to do. It’s either a mistake that will be corrected, or you need to resubmit your assignment.

I received more points than I aimed for, should I say something or silently hope noone will notice?

Still notify your group-teacher. The error might get fixed (you will be notified) until the final grade is set. WebReg grades are not finally, Ladok grades are!

How much time do I have to resubmit something?

It’s important that you make a resubmission request asap!
The deadline for this are way shorter. Once done, you have the more time. See the official deadlines here

How to resubmit an assignment?

Make a submission request. For this, send an email to your group-teacher and (cc), that you want to do a resubmission.

I revised my work, what to do now?
  1. Make sure your code is pushed to gitlab and the changes accessible in your repository page under deploy->pages.
  2. Make a resubmission by emailing your group-teacher and (cc).

You can only do a single resubmission per assignment. Once done, you won’t get a second chance for a resubmission!

Do I make a (re)submission, when I push something to the gitlab repo?

No, you can commit/push your code anytime to the gitlab repo. Submissions have deadlines, and the last commit before the deadline counts as submission. A resubmission is done by emailing your group-teacher and course-leader that you made a resubmission. Make sure your code is updated and accessible in gitlab!

I revised my assignment, can I ask if it suits the requirements before resubmitting?

Yes, you can always ask, just write your group-teacher if they can check your repository (make sure it’s updated). They might say no but asking is always possible.

Why is this so complicated?

Grading is a serious issue and the process must be clear. Once grades are final, they won’t be changed. We want to make sure, no mistakes were made and grading remains fair and transparent.